Southwest Calgary Ring Road
An example from our partner dB(A) Noise Consultants Ltd
The Southwest Calgary Ring Road Project (SWCRR) will expand the ring road around Calgary, AB with 31 km of six and eight lane divided Highway. Highway construction requires gravel - lots of it. One of the dedicated gravel pits for the project is located at a distance of approximately 50 m from a suburban development, in the Right of Way for the SWCRR. The Right of Way was left undeveloped for decades, resulting in practice to what was experienced by residents as a quiet natural area. A change from natural area to gravel pit to Highway bordering your backyard in only a few years - talk of potential for complaints!
To assist in mitigating potential noise complaints, dBA Noise Consultants Ltd in cooperation with the Dutch company Sensornet has conducted continuous noise- and weather monitoring at three locations near the residences since early April 2017, in temperatures ranging from - 35 degrees C to + 35 degrees in summer.
In the three years of continuous monitoring, the system was off-line for less than three hours - an uptime in excess of 99.999%!